Consider Extending Your Home Insurance To Cover These Things

When you have home insurance, it's important to review your insurance policy carefully so that you're certain about what things are covered. Additionally, you can contact your local insurance representative to go over the policy and ensure that you're clear about its contents. A basic home insurance policy will protect you in the event of a break-in, fire, and other issues, but you may occasionally find yourself in a situation in which you wish for more coverage. Once you've identified the extra coverage that you want to buy, you can contact your provider and find out about expanding your policy. Here are some things for which you might wish to extend your coverage.

Outdoor Items

Your home insurance policy may not automatically cover the items outside of your home, so it's worthwhile to talk to your insurance agent about how to expand this coverage. For example, some insurance companies can provide additional coverage for vegetation, so if you've invested heavily in trees, bushes, hedges, or other plants, you may be able to get them covered up to a certain amount. The same holds true for outbuildings that you may have on your property. For example, if you have a larger lot with a pool house, small barn, or even a shed, you may wish to ask about getting these structures covered, too.

High-Value Collections

A standard home insurance policy won't often cover a high-value collection that you own, so it's important to inquire about this topic and have your policy expanded accordingly. Typically, your insurance agent will need you to have the collection appraised by an accredited appraiser so that the insurance company will know the precise value. Whether you collect antique coins, firearms, sports memorabilia, jewelry, rare books, or something else that holds a significant value, ensuring that it is protected will give you peace of mind.

Items In Storage

Many homeowners use mobile storage pods to increase the storage space of their home. It can be easy to have a mobile storage company position a pod in your driveway or side yard and lease you the receptacle on a monthly or yearly basis. Even though mobile storage pods are generally highly secure, it's possible for someone to break into the unit and steal your items. Talking to your insurance provider and making sure that you expand your home insurance coverage to include whatever you keep inside your storage pod is important.

Talk with a company like Lanham Insurance Agency for more information.
