SR-22 Auto Insurance: Why It Is Required And Why You Should Get It

If you ever encounter getting a DUI or some other type of major driving violation, you will likely be told that you need to purchase SR-22 car insurance. If this is something you are told to do, you must follow through with it if you want to avoid further consequences. There is a good reason that this is required, and there are plenty of reasons you should get SR-22 car insurance if you are told you need it. Read More 

The Importance Of Having Rental Insurance

Almost everyone who owns a home has homeowner's insurance. If they are still paying the mortgage loan, the lender will insist on it. However, many people who rent a house or apartment feel that paying for renter's insurance is an unnecessary expense. This is not true. Even if you feel you do not have any belongings worth buying insurance for, a renter's policy does much more than just paying to replace your things. Read More 

Three Reasons To Keep Your Deductible Low On Semi Trunk Insurance

Selecting insurance for a semi truck will be similar to getting car insurance for a regular car. If you are the owner-operator for your semi truck company, you will need to get insurance for your very own truck. The insurance that you receive will depend on your record, such as your regular driver's license and CDL record, as well as your experience driving. Semi truck insurance will be higher than your average vehicle and so is the deductible. Read More 

Getting Married And Ready To Merge Auto Insurance Policies? What To Know

If you are soon to be married and you want to combine all of your financial accounts together, there are some different things that you want to know before you ditch your own policy. You first want to make sure that you know what can affect your insurance rate, and what things about you or your soon to be spouse could have a negative effect on the process of merging everything. Read More 

Did Your Dog Bite Your Best Friend? Homeowner’s Insurance May Help You

Owning a dog is a big responsibility and one that you need to take seriously. Unfortunately, there is a chance that your pet could bite your best friend when they are visiting and cause a serious dispute. However, your homeowner's insurance could help you out in this situation by providing you with the coverage you need to handle their health needs. Dog Bites Can End Friendships There are many signs that a dog is about to bite somebody. Read More