You never drink and drive, and you've never had a speeding ticket in your life, but your auto insurance premiums are still higher than you'd like. Your driving record isn't the only thing that insurers look at when setting your auto insurance premiums. You may be paying more for your car insurance because you can't get a handle on your credit. Could your bad credit drive up your car insurance premiums?
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You want the best auto insurance that you can get, just in case you need it, but you don't want to pay too much for it. After all, unless you get into accidents frequently, chances are that you'll pay far more into the insurance company than you'll ever receive in payouts. If you're like most people, there are many things you'd rather spend your money on other than insurance. You can reduce your auto insurance payments by shopping around and taking advantage of discounts and deals, but you should also be looking out for things that are negatively affecting your auto insurance rates.
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